Monday, October 21, 2013

pacing myself & intentions

I'm still praying and working on getting it right. I feel like I've got to pace myself though. I feel like if I take things quicker than one step at a time, then quickly I feel like it's too much. This is such a big adjustment already, I don't want to get burnt out feeling or discouraged or like it's a burden or like I'm failing. So I'm taking it as it comes and putting effort in little by little, one step at a time. I see my growth curve gradually going up, which I think overall is good. Insha Allah one day I will be praying the prayers correctly and regularly.

That's one of my intentions. Then the other one I keep thinking about is wearing hijab. I want to, but I know I'm not ready for it yet. Insha Allah one day I will get there too. Today I got this deep, inner feeling like I wanted to. It wasn't just a feeling of I should, or that I would like to for a superficial reason or in and of itself. It was a feeling like this is the correct thing for me, and I will feel better if I do that. I think the idea of it is sinking in.

I'm still reading the Qur'an often and am still reading Reclaim Your Heart and am finding that I'm getting a lot out of both. They give me something to think about. Both reading in these frequently and praying frequently help me keep Allah in mind and my priorities in line with where I want them. I think that helps me keep my actions in check too. All of this is beneficial. It all feels like it's its own reward, but I know that there is an Ultimate reward for it all as well.

I am keeping the things I am grateful for and appreciative of in mind often and notice and am aware of them and thank Allah for these.

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