Saturday, October 19, 2013

working at prayer

I've been wanting to get better with prayer, and I feel like I'm making some progress with that. I received a prayer rug now I'm using, and that is helpful. A string of prayer beads came with it. I looked up how to use those. I'm not sure that's something everyone does, but I did try that after prayer today and liked it. I've been feeling after prayer like there's something else I'd like to do. I have this feeling like, "That's it?" and feel good that I did do the prayer. So this is something I might start doing after each prayer. I like the beads, it helps me stay focused so my mind doesn't wander. I feel like that action helps me with connecting with Allah and staying mindful of that connection at that time. That's what I want out of prayer anyway- a connection with Allah, so it's nice to find something I can do to help me feel that, in addition to prayer. The rug helps prayer be more comfortable and feel more formal. I'm more mindful of setting up my prayer space at the time too. Another thing I just did was set the prayer times on my phone, so I'll better be able to keep track of when they are too. I know there's phone apps with the call to prayer, which would be awesome to have set on my phone. I don't do apps but might try to set that up. I do like feeling like I'm praying with a lot of people, even if I'm not actually with them. Like there's others praying at the same time as me. I haven't been great at doing them on time and just have felt like doing them at all is at least a step. So doing them on time and more consistently would be great. Prayer almost feels like I'm taking the time to "check in" with Allah and myself, especially while making dua. It's a chance to evaluate my priorities. I can see why doing prayer often and taking time out of everything else can be beneficial, even if it seems inconvenient. It's easy to get caught up in unimportant things and put important things to the side at times.

Last night I did a deep cleaning of my apartment, and it sort of feels like the same thing in a way. I feel like I'm making room for the important things and put everything else to the side. There's less clutter, more organization, and the important things are easily accessible and easy to see, more noticeable. A mental clearing can go along with a physical clearing. I feel ready now for things I want to be doing. Alhumdulilah.

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